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Begin your Yoga Journey today

One on One Yoga Mastery Program is a six week comprehensive private coaching program designed to help you make progress in your poses, find clarity in the mind and develop emotional resilience. We'll explore the timeless Ashtanga Primary Series, combined with yogic breathing and relaxation techniques.


Sustained Ashtanga practise develops intrinsic discipline, the true source of strength and freedom, which serves as a steady support and enables you to build the life you've always envisioned.

One-on-One Mastery: Teacher Video
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Structured Learning, Lasting Routine

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One on One Yoga Mastery Program

Find two suitable slots a week and confirm with Sushi

Ready to take the next step?

Emotional Support & Focused Attention

Experience a Sanctuary of Support: In my private sessions, you’re not just another face in the crowd. Each class is an intimate, one-on-one experience where your emotional and physical well-being are the sole focus. Free from the distractions of group settings, our sessions are a safe space for inner healing, where my energy and attention are entirely devoted to guiding and supporting your personal journey.

Convenience and Commitment

Yoga on Your Terms: Discover the ease and effectiveness of practicing yoga from where you feel most comfortable – your home. Our sessions fit seamlessly into your life, scheduled at times that suit you best. This personalized approach fosters a strong commitment, reducing the chances of missed classes and ensuring a more consistent and rewarding practice. You’re not just signing up for a class; you’re investing in a lifestyle change.

Accountability & Tailored Progress

Customized Growth for Every Asana: Unlike the diverse experiences of studio classes, our private sessions are meticulously tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re looking to refine specific postures or seeking a practice that evolves with you, I’m here to provide personalized guidance. Each session builds on the last, ensuring continuous and meaningful progress in your yoga journey.

Transformation that awaits...

By the end of this program, you will go from..


Starting your day running late, feeling all over the place

Feeling stiff or sore from high intensity workouts

Feeling alone, stuck and frustrated with your self growth journey


Starting your day feeling aligned and energised to tackle the day

Feeling stretched and strengthened after Ashtanga VInyasa

Having someone who cares deeply about your well-being

How our prices work

We believe that Yoga should be a life-long, sustainable and self-empowering practice

In 6 weeks, we hope to help you solidify your foundations, work on your weaknesses and identify what's holding you back from consistently showing up on the mat. 

We have created a way to help you adapt your practice to fit your life. Upon completion you can attend live sessions, and integrate your learnings online through our on-demand and live-stream platform.
This way, your wellness journey is straightforward and simple, making it easy for you to practice anywhere. 

Our prices reflect the dedication, quality of instruction and love that we put into making this a part of your lifestyle. 
  • YMP One Time Payment

    5 500R
    300USD for 12 Private Sessions over 6 weeks (BONUS🎁 : 3 months access to Sushi Yogi Online)
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • One on One Yoga Mastery Program
  • Best Value

    YMP Scholarship Payment Plan (12 months)

    Every month
    25 USD/mo for 12 Private Sessions over 6 weeks (recurring payments valid for 12 months)
    Valid for 12 months
    • YMP Scholarship Payment Plan (6 months)

      1 000R
      Every month
      50USD/mo for Private Sessions over 6 weeks (recurring payments valid for 6 months)
      Valid for 6 months


      I don’t know the secret to healing, but I do know that I always feel better after doing yoga than I did before. Ashtanga is the only practice that gives you a methodical structured way to increase both strength and flexibility consistently
      Sometimes the most advanced thing you can do is start with the basics, consistently.
      Don’t overcomplicate taking care of yourself
      Sushmitha (Sushi Yogi)
      (RYT 500HR AYI 200HR) | Ashtanga Student

      Sushi Yogi (RYT 500HR AYI 200HR), has been studying Yoga for 10 years in India and teaching students globally for 7. She has trained directly under Sharath Jois, the foremost authority on the ancient style of Ashtanga Yoga. Sushi’s method draws on tradition to inspire change beyond the mat. 

      As a longtime practitioner, I was looking for specific guidance on my practice. Sushmitha’s insightful feedback and knowledge pushed my limits and helped me achieve postures I never thought possible. The depth of her teaching goes beyond physical aspects, touching the spiritual essence of yoga. 
      6 weeks can totally transform your practice and change your relationship to the world
      57, Professor, Delhi, India

      Ready to take the next step?


      I know a part of you is like, "YES! I AM SO IN! SIGN ME UP NOW!" And another part of you is full of doubt and questions, so let me answer some of them for you now, ok?

      🧘‍♀️ Is this a beginners course?

      This course is suited to your level. As it is one-on-one, it is tailored to meet your needs, whether you are a beginner or advanced. The practice is customized to ensure a comfortable and progressive introduction to yoga, regardless of your starting point. My teaching style emphasizes mental benefits and holistic health over just physical shapes you make on the mat.

      😷 What if I hate the idea of doing yoga online after covid?

      Listen, I completely understand where you are coming from. I used to think real yoga can only happen in a studio setting, but it all changed in 2019, when I met my first online private student. It took me many years to realise that practicing yoga online is one of the most practical ways to a deeper, more personal practice.

      📱 I’ve had women express concerns that I will not be able to correct their form, especially since they are not tech-savvy. All you need is a yoga mat, a mobile phone and some speakers. I’ll even run you through the set up and we can get comfortable with the technology before we start.

      🧍‍♀️ When your teacher is on the other side of the screen gently guiding you, you're the one doing the heavy lifting— without the physical adjustments, you're the one taking yourself to the edge of a stretch and back.

      🗣️ This way, you’re actually learning to connect more deeply with your body’s signals. And instead of someone else leading you into their vision for the pose, you can actually have a dialogue with your body.

      📺 Can't I just do this on my own using Youtube Videos, or Group Classes?

      Private sessions offer a level of personal attention and customization that group classes simply can’t match. They are tailored to your unique needs, progress, and schedule, providing a more focused, effective, and intimate yoga experience.

      ✈️ What if I can't make it to a session?

      Please choose two time slots that you stick to consistently. If for some reason you can’t make it don’t worry, we’re not all perfect and life happens; There are over 15 slots per week dedicated to this program, you can just book into another slot and it will send me a request to approve your slot selection. If I am available, I will definitely accommodate you. Please keep in mind that slots are allocated on a first come first serve basis, and are booked for upto a week in advance. You have 8 weeks to complete the course, an extra two weeks in case you are sick, or unable to attend the session

      ⏰ That being said, if you are serious about your health and wellness, then you’re going to need to prioritise this commitment.

      ❌ If that's not something you are willing to do, then YMP probably isn't a right fit for you, and that is completely okay! There's nothing wrong with that.

      🧳 I have a travel heavy work schedule. How much time do I need to dedicate?

      2-5 hours per week depending on how deep you want to go. We’ll meet twice a week for live sessions, and you will access to Sushi Yogi Online - a comprehensive online library with practice videos, tutorials, lectures and playlists.

      🌎 Understanding the challenges of a travel-intensive lifestyle, my yoga sessions are designed for maximum flexibility within my available slots. We can arrange sessions in the early mornings, late evenings, or weekends, ensuring that no matter where you are, you can maintain your yoga practice consistently. These timings are particularly convenient for busy professionals, accommodating different time zones and work commitments.

      🔄 Can I continue Private Sessions with you after the program?

      Absolutely. Once you’ve completed, you can either continue as a private student at our normal rates (YMP is 50% off private sessions) or join Sushi Yogi Online (our online membership with live streamed classes, mastery of mysore method sessions and so much more. You can also join any of my in-person group classes.

      "But, but, but"...I hear you doubting yourself.

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